Programme Framework Grants

The ESPA Programme Framework Grants explored new and innovative concepts, methodologies and models needed to ensure the successful delivery of ESPA’s objectives. This involved working across traditional disciplines, and developing new perspectives and new areas of research endeavour. These projects are now complete.

Project Title Lead PI Project Code
Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Social sustainability and Tipping points in African drylands Professor Katherine Homewood NE/I003673/1
BKS - Bridging knowledge systems for pro-poor management of ecosystem services Dr Saskia Vermeylen NE/I003819/1
East African Great Lake Observatory Professor Eric Odada NE/I003266/1
Human adaptation to biodiversity change: Building and testing concepts, methods, and tools for understanding and supporting autonomous adaptation Professor Patricia Howard NE/I004149/1
Integrated carbon, water and land management for poverty alleviation Professor Pier Luigi Vidale NE/I00307X/1
Integrating forest ecosystem service assessment with pro-poor governance in India Dr Oliver Springate-Baginski NE/I004661/1
Just ecosystem management: Linking ecosystem services with poverty alleviation Dr Thomas Sikor NE/I003282/1
Landscape diversity and ecosystem services in agricultural ecosystems: implications for sustainable growth and rural poverty in China Dr Mark Rosegrant NE/I004335/1
Negotiating tradeoffs: making informed choices about ecosystem services for poverty alleviation Dr Bhaskar Vira NE/I003924/1
Participatory Modelling of Wellbeing Trade-offs in Coastal Kenya (P-Mowtick) Dr Tim Daw NE/I00324X/1
Poverty and ecology: developing a new evolutionary approach Professor John Dearing NE/I002960/1
Safeguarding local equity as global values of ecosystem services rise Dr Kate Schreckenberg NE/I00341X/1
Swahili Seas Dr Mark Huxham NE/I003401/1
The ESPA framework: A socio-ecological systems analysis of the political economy of Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Dr Genevieve Patenaude NE/I002952/1
The REDD Game: A didactic tool for designing effective, efficient and equitable policies to deliver REDD in Bolivia Dr Charles Palmer NE/I003185/1
Towards a virtual observatory for ecosystem services and poverty alleviation Dr Wouter Buytaert NE/I004017/1
What types of investment can most cost-effectively ensure ecosystem service provision? A randomized program evaluation Dr Nigel Asquith NE/I00436X/1
Whole Decision Network Analysis for Coastal Ecosystems (WD-NACE) Professor David Raffaelli NE/I002448/1