Qiaoqiao Zhang

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International Development

Institutional Website


Publication in Relevant Areas

•Cai, D, Zha, Y, Bubb, P and Zhang, Q (editors), 2010, China Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Situation Analysis and Research Strategy, Chinese Agricultural Scientech Press (in print). •Wan, M, Chan, F., Zhang, Q, 2008, ICT/e-learning readiness analysis of farmers in China. World conference on agricultural information and IT, IAALD AFITA WCCA 2008, Tokyo, Japan, 24 - 27 August, 2008 , 2008 , 811-818 , 13 ref. Conference Proceedings. •CAAS, CABI, UNEP-WCMC, NCP, WI, NCEPA and NDRC (2008) China Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Situation Analysis and Research Strategy, 58 pp + annexes •Zhang, Q., and Cao, Z. (contributors), 2007, China and Its Impact on Publishing Development. ALPSP Future Watch Committee White Paper 2, 8pp. ISBN 978-0-907341-35-2 •Zhang, Q., 2005, Impact of globalization on Chinese information and publishing communities. In the Online Information 2005 Proceedings, p43-49

Countries of Research Interest

China, DPR Korea and other East Asia countries and S. E. Asia countries • Project manager for China-UK project entitled Benefits and risks of GM crops: implications for agricultural research co-operation, frontier science, public engagement and policyKey member of ESPA 1st Pahse project - China Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Situation Analysis and Research Strategy • Project Manager from CABI for an ADB funded Project to upgrade Chinese information services; • International Team Co-ordinator for the Development of Strategy for China's Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS); and • FAO's consultant to conduct information needs assessment for forestry information in Lao, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Statement of Interest in the Call

Interested in joining in consortia to apply for ESPA Consortium grant