Dr Jon Finch

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Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

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Publication in Relevant Areas

Finch JW, Riche AB. 2010. Interception losses from Miscanthus at a site in southern England - an application of the Gash model. Hydrological Processes 24: 2594–2600. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7673. Oliver RJ, Finch JW, Taylor G. 2009. Second generation bioenergy crops and climate change: effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and drought on water use and yield. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 1: 97-114. doi: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2009.01011.x. Haughton AJ, Bond AJ, Lovett AA, Dockerty T, Sünnenberg G, Clark SJ, Bohan DA, Sage RB, Mallott MD, Mallott VE, Cunningham MD, Riche AB, Shield IF, Finch JW, Turner MM, Karp A. 2009. A novel, integrated approach to assessing social, economic and environmental implications of changing rural land-use: a case study of perennial biomass crops. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 315-322. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01622.x. Smith RNB, Blyth EM, Finch JW, Goodchild S, Hall RL, Madry S. 2006. Soil state and surface hydrology diagnosis based on MOSES in the Met Office Nimrod nowcasting system. Meteorological Applications 13: 89-109. doi: 10.1017/S1350482705002069. Finch JW, Hall RL. 2005. Evaporation from lakes. In Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences, Anderson MG (ed). John Wiley & Co, Ltd.; 12. Finch JW, Hall RL, Rosier PTW, Clark DB, Stratford C, Davies HN, Marsh TJ, Roberts JM, Riche AB, Christian DG. 2004. The hydrological impacts of energy crop production in the UK. B/CR/000783/00/00. Department for Trade and Industry. 151.

Countries of Research Interest

Botswana, Somalia, Jordan

Statement of Interest in the Call

I have a long standing interesting in developing countries, mainly in the issue of wtaer resources. Recently, my work has been focussed in the UK, developing concepts applicable to water and, very recently soil C and GHG emissions, in the context of Ecosystem Services. I feel it is appropriate to use this expertise available to help developing countries begin to employ the concept of ecosystem services to assist their sustainable development.